Boston - The Ship Inn
London Road : PE21 8AG
After several years of racing inactivity in Boston, there was a 2 miles bicycle race, ‘for Boston Club only' at the Ship Inn running ground on July 20th 1878, which was won by George Eno. There was a bicycle race at the Skirbeck running grounds in 1879. The newly formed Boston Bicycle Club held their first race meeting at the ‘old trysting ground' just outside Boston on August 18th 1879 with 1 and 2 miles races.

The Boston BC finally found a home ground at the rear of the Ship Inn, Skirkbeck Quarter in 1882, on a track of six laps to the mile. That summer, they held a series of four evening meetings with a Club Championship scratch race over two miles and the Monthly Challenge Cup over one mile. After a few years of using the track, the Boston BC races switched to the road and did not use the Ship Inn track again.

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